Our Services

If you have not already applied for your mortgage, we can supply you with a list of lenders in this area and their phone numbers.

Order title insurance. Most people are not aware that the borrower or buyer selects his or her title insurance company.

If you have an existing mortgage, write to your mortgage company for a payoff statement.

If you have any judgments or bills that you will be paying off with your loan, write to the company and ask for a statement so that they can be paid at the time of settlement.

At settlement, you will need a homeowner’s policy to protect your new lender.

Survey/Inspection—Your new lender may require that you have a new survey completed on your home.

Arrange for a settlement date that is suitable with your mortgage company, and then setup the appointment with your title company.

Bring your receipts, payoff statements, and homeowner’s policy to the settlement.